Crizz Biel (Krzysztof Bielecki) moderated the charity event „Wrocław Śpiewa Dzieciom” (Wrocław sings for children)
Crizz Biel (Krzysztof Bielecki) takes part in many charity actions for people suffering cancer and handycapped children. He moderated the charity event „Wrocław Śpiewa Dzieciom” (Wrocław sings for children) which was a huge event in Poland.
Crizz Biel (Krzysztof Bielecki) sang on stage at the Wrocław Market Square during the event "Wroclaw Sings for Children". The purpose of the music event that took place on June 19, 2011 was to support the construction of new headquarters in Wrocław Department of Bone Marrow Transplantation, Oncology and Haematology AM - Cape Hope. The residents of Wrocław and the performing artists united a chain of hope on the square by sending an SMS to a charity for sick children with leukemia.
Krzysztof Bielecki (Crizz Biel) sang songs from his latest album, and together with other artists and volunteers supported the Foundation's initiative to rescue children with cancer.
Watch the foto and video reports in the gallery below.
Crizz Biel (Krzysztof Bielecki) leads the Easter charity event: Paint Easter eggs with Renoma
Krzysztof Bielecki (Crizz Biel) led the charity event of the foundation „Rescue Children Suffering from Cancer”. The purpose of this event was to support the construction of a new Department of Bone Marrow Transplantation, Oncology and Haematology for children „Cape Hope”.
Krzysztof Bielecki - participant in the program "Got Talent" and "Chance for Success" led special contests with prizes, games, Easter quizzes and animation for children. He sang his own songs and and impersonated Elvis Presley.
for more infos go to:
Crizz Biel (Krzysztof Bielecki) moderated the „Collection in dance rhythms” for children with cancer
Crizz Biel (Krzysztof Bielecki) organized games for children, as well as special competitions and animations with prizes and he also sang songs from his latest album.
for more infos go to:
Crizz Biel (Krzysztof Bielecki) is leading the event: Build with us the Cape of Hope for children with cancer
Crizz Biel (Krzysztof Bielecki) led on stage several competitions, animations and games especially for children, but also for adults. He also sang songs from his latest album. All participants of the competitions received prizes and gifts prepared by the sponsors. for more infos go to:
Crizz Biel (Krzysztof Bielecki) sang during the Match of Hope
Crizz Biel sang during the Match of Hope in Wrocław. The purpose of this event was to support the construction of a new Department of Bone Marrow Transplantation, Oncology and Haematology for children in Wrocław - „Cape Hope”. The event was organized at the initiative of the Foundation for Aid to Children Suffering from Cancer.
The one and only match of Hope was an opportunity to meet popular and influential figures from business, politics, sports, and artists. Guest of honor at the event was the President of Wrocław - Rafał Dutkiewicz.
All event participants created a chain of Hope, which embraced the whole room and was a symbol, like the whole event, of the union of everyone for one purpose - to help sick children.
Crizz Biel (Krzysztof Bielecki) led the event of the Association for Development and Integration UŚMIECH (SMILE)
Crizz Biel (Krzysztof Bielecki) sang for the Municipal and Communal Welfare Centre in Barlinek
Crizz Biel (Krzysztof Bielecki) sang with the band The Pink Cadillac Band at the festivities to celebrate the day of Breast Cancer
The march led the Honorary Patrons of the National Coalition for Breast Cancer - First Lady Jolanta Kwaśniewska and Mrs. Ludgarda Buzek-wife of then Prime Minister of the Polish government and the diplomatic corps, parliamentarians, representatives of the Polish Government, the President's Office and the respected personalities of Polish culture and art, business, media, health professionals and NGOs.